This is a tutorial for Git. We focus on the features necessary for homework submission.
Create the remote (i.e. cloud) storage and clone it with the local storage in your computer.
Make changes in the local storage and then push the changes to the remote storage.
In other machines, pull any changes from the remote storage to update the local storage.
When developing the code, we may want to try various revisions from the current version.
Git is able to track multiple lines of histories originating from one node, which we call branches.
It is useful when someone wants to develop the code differently from the mainstream branch, the master branch.
Branching also happens when multiple members try to update the same file at the same time.
Git assigns members to different branches to resolve the updating problem.
If the team wants to apply the changes in a branch into the master branch, they can merge the branch.
For simple tasks like writing the homework, you would simply use the master branch.
git commit -m "first draft of HW1"
git push origin master
If you dislike this, you can use GUI applications that helps you to do these by clicking buttons.
I personally use Sourcetree, which is free, but of course you can use other applications.
As long as you understand the concept of commit, push, pull, etc., you would have no problem using these GUI applications.
To use git, you need accounts from Github or Bitbucket. Create an account.
Even with GUI applications, creating a remote storage may require you to specify things that you have no idea. In that case, go to the website of Github or Bitbucket and create a remote storage in the website.
Then you would have no problem cloning the remote storage into your computer using the GUI applications.
Once you clone the storage, you can now commit, push and pull the changes.